Dear ones!
The February full moon is just behind us. The moon on which our Celtic ancestors celebrated the feast of Brigid. The goddess who brings back the light and makes the waters flow. The day is already noticeably longer, the sun delights us with stronger power, nature around us comes alive and the juices in the trees start flowing again. Brigid embodies the virgin, the life-giving forces of the East, of the new morning. In Christian circles, Candlemas is celebrated at this time and the purification of Mary is venerated. In India, the quality of this time is dedicated to the goddess "Saraswati" ("the beautiful flowing"). There too, as with our ancestors, the birch tree is assigned to her. The birch, with its brilliant white bark, as a tree of light and new beginnings.
It is beautiful to look at the lived connection to nature of our ancestors. Often we look to indigenous peoples of other continents for ancient wisdom, and yet it is so deeply rooted in us, in our nature.
What is going on out there in the forest right now? Which trees catch our eye, which songs are the birds singing, which scents are in the air? Let us consciously connect with the nature that surrounds us and make ourselves receptive to the sensations that are given to us through it.
It is a connection to our primal nature, to our ancestors, to our roots, to ancient knowledge. To something that connects us humans around the globe, lets us be one. It makes us feel part of the earth, no matter where we are.
We want to nourish this oneness consciously. The oneness with ourselves, with the people around us, with the earth beneath us and with the people in other places in this world. And feel that we all carry the same light in our hearts, all are flowed through by the water of the earth and have the common desire to grow and to live a happy life.
In this energy, I would now like to begin the journey to our February projects with you ❤️
🌞 Feb. 6-12 * Holistic Health * Qomi Qompi ~ Argentina ❤️
Through our friends Andrea and Pablo Bertone, we became aware of a beautiful project on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. There is a community where people of the indigenous Toba people live. The Toba's living space has been severely restricted and many of them have been forced to settle in the slums on the outskirts of the city. Andrea tells us about the touching meeting with Felix Días, who is strongly committed to the rights of the Toba. Basically, they wish to be able to live in harmony with their deep connection to nature. The community secures its livelihood through its traditional handicrafts.
Now we received a call from the community. There is a beautiful initiative for children, Qomi Qompi. It is primarily about cooking together with children and serving food. 42 families are involved. Furthermore, there is an offer of games for the children, handicrafts such as basket weaving or the singing of traditional songs. The aim is to keep the children in touch with their roots, the language and the wisdom of their people. You will find attached a Spotify link to listen to a CD that was created in the process 🙂
To Earth Prayers came a request for money for a stove, a refrigerator, for cooking utensils as well as tables, chairs and a month's supply of food. "We cannot begin to describe the value of your support."
Let's fulfill this wish together!
Qomi Qompi
🌞 2/13 - 2/19 * Heart's Desires * Support for Ela ~ Austria ❤️
In December, we received some upsetting news. In a house fire in Upper Austria, a young single mom of two children lost her familiar living space and almost everything she owned. After contacting her and hearing her desperation, it was clear ~ we want to use the power of Earth Prayers to help Ela and her 2 girls get started in a new home and raise money to buy essentials like clothes and shoes.
Ela has been putting all her energy into helping the people around her for a long time. Among other things, she teaches German to refugees and helps them get a foothold here. She acts as a bridge between cultures, has set up a free learning group for the children in her town and has never stopped believing in her dream of living together. Just as Ela is there for many others, we now want to be there for her!
Let's help together!
🌞 2/20-26/2 * Free Seed * Jaguar Siembra ~ Colombia ❤️
"We are happy to have 133 new trees planted with your support. It was an incredible help to us!"
The Jaguar Siembra Association's mission is to plant forest gardens with families from the Iku Arhuaco Community in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Through our recent support, tools and seeds for trees were financed for a family of 12.
Jaguar Siembra intentionally interweaves agroforestry with the traditions and wisdom of indigenous people. The goal is food security through organic, diverse agriculture and the preservation of wildlife, ecosystems and traditional cultures. We find this work deeply valuable and look forward to continuing to be a part of it!
You can learn more here:
🌞 2/27-3/5 * Sustainable Farming * Amatreya ~ Argentina ❤️
"Nature is calling! We are Amatreya, a community and a nature reserve where we sow transformation through our way of life. The water, flora and fauna of the place are an essential part of the common good we protect."
The people who came together 25 years ago as Amatreya direct their lives toward flourishing in community and in harmony with nature. Several times we have supported this great community and enjoy the beautiful exchanges and sharing of their inspiring, pioneering way of life.
Now they need support in a very important matter. It is about preventing mining in their area and thus preserving the tributaries of the water that belongs to everyone! Together we are strong!
Here is a short video:
For more information about life in Amatreya (it's possible to live there, as a visitor or volunteer!), click here:
Also from Ecuador a video reached us ~ Christian and Charlotte give us some insights what they did with our support ❤️
And here is an overview of the collected contributions in January:
So again we send you a big THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts and wish you a wonderful, light-filled February!
All the love ❤️
Sandra & the Earth Prayers Team