In April, the Earth Dinner movement had it's first birthday! The association Seeds of Solidarity was founded on the 24 of April 2019 for more solidarity and less consumption. Already months before that Philipp Sudi had initiated the Earth Dinner initiative. An idea turned into concrete support for many different projects all over the world. In an ever turning 7 week cicle, with your support the following 7 earth topics are supported: Seed freedom
The earth nourishes
Protecting Life in Nature
The empowered woman
Children with a future Holistic health
Letting the heart speak
For more detailed information visit us on our homepage Dear Philipp! Thank you for your peseverance and your optimism! The picture shows Philipp with Fabricio, the son of friends of his in Peru.

From this month onwards the Earth Dinner newsletter will be available in English, Spanish, French and German! Our community is growing slowly but steadily. As of now we are around 12 participants per week from different parts of the world and every single week we collectively transform the value of an unnecessary or unsustainable act of consumption into support for a sustainable project.
This platform is entirely run by volunteers and we really love doing it! In case you know somebody who you think would appreciate to participate in this movement, we’d be very happy about new participants!
We think that a huge shift of consciousness might be happening at this very moment. When if not now should we do all that is in our hands in order to protect mother Earth and all life forms that she is a home for?
This month we’re supporting the initiative “Roots of life” in Bangladesh for the first time. The project of the month will be the awareness raising and reforestation project in Peru, where the Quechua School will plant trees in the Peruvian Andes with school children frim Colca, Cotabambas.

“Seed Freedom“: The first week of May is dedicated to Navdanya. For years the seed, women's rights and environmental activist Vandana Shiva has been active and fighting for maintaining the biological diversity of seeds and for the rights of small Indian farmers, especially women. Through this NGO hundreds of seed banks have been created all over India. We're always very happy to support this important work! This initiative is even more imortant in times when GMOs and toxical fertilizers are threatening to be taken as a solution for global hunger crisis.
“Sustainable agriculture“: In collaboration with our project partner, the Entwicklungshilfeklub from Vienna, we support the project “Roots if Life” in Bangladesh. This initiative gives poor villagers the chance to food and to a small income by providing them with fruit trees saplings and knowhow. Families empower themselves by growing and caring for these trees and become more food-sovereign!

The organization Entwicklungshilfeklub describes the project as follows:
“The families won’t just be able to improve their own situation but they’ll also really make a big contribution to the planting of trees in their villages,” says the project leader Abdullah-Al-Maamuneinen referring to this point as being very special about this project. From the beginning on a lot of importance is given to the fact that the inhabitants of the villages take responsability for their trees. For, once these trees have rooted, they can serve for decades when they are well cared for and thus provide fruits, timber and shadow to future generations.
“Indigenous people, Reforestation”: Reforestation and raising awareness about the importance of reforestation in the Peruvian Andes around the little village of Colca through the Peruvian NGO Quechua school. The school children learn, become more conscious of the importance of these trees and will plant them themselves!
“The empowered Woman“: In this project, the issue is feminine genital mutilation. Mister Nehberg has been fighting in this areas for decades and has had a lot of success in Guinea Bissau! Through information and a campaign with the local imams, the population finds out that these practices are not legal and also not accepted by the Islam. Since most people uin this country are muslim this has a huge positive impact on the female population!
“Children with future:” Campus Vivant’e in the Moroccan Atlas mountain range in collaboration with Weltweitwandern Wirkt
In this public, but free school, the children are accompanied in a very individual, creative, regional and at the same time cosmopolitan way. (Following the Swiss schooling modrl Scuola Vivante) The regional Berber culture is part of the curriculum just like foreign languages, crafts and permaculture!
The children experience the importance and sustainability of ecological agriculture, they learn how to multiply seeds, how to decrease floods through building terraces, planting trees and creating green drainage systems and pass these skills on to their families.
Step by step we're shaping our reality and also our planet through every single one of our decisions! It's wonderful that you are being a part of this journey of the heart! We have the power to transform the world through consciousness and action at all times!
Lots of love, health and joy, Your Earth Dinner team!