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Earth Prayers Letter - August 2024

The Earth Prayers initiative has surpassed the 100,000 Euro milestone as of August. Through our numerous, heartfelt donations, we have managed to distribute over 100,000 Euros to 129 projects worldwide, creating a network of goodwill and nurturing connections. We are thrilled that our initiative has been able to touch so many lives, and we are grateful to each of you for your contributions - no matter the kind. We are equally thankful to the people all around the world who believe in their visions, dreams, and projects and bring them to life!

Week after week, we nurture a project somewhere in the world with our benevolent wishes and financial support. At the same time, we also nurture the morphogenetic field of the specific theme of the week. We invite you to connect with the respective theme in your own life as well.

Here are some ideas on how we can connect with the respective theme of this month within ourselves... 🙌

Heartfelt Wishes: What are my heartfelt wishes? Do I give them space and attention?

Free Seeds: What are the seeds that may come into the world through me? Are they seeds that align with my nature? Are they organic seeds? Or are they externally manipulated (genetically modified ;-) ) seeds?

Nature & Culture: What does my true nature look like? Do I allow myself to be myself? Do I allow myself to connect with my roots, my indigenous culture? Or is my culture a predetermined global construct, dictated by television and politicians?

The Empowered Woman: Do I give space to the feminine within myself? To creativity? To nurturing? To relaxation? The empowered woman needs the empowered man. Do I give space to the masculine part within me?

Through the Earth Prayers initiative, we nurture a theme every week and at the same time, we have the chance to repeatedly connect with this field ourselves, to feel it and give it space. Everything we also nurture materially, such as through donations, eventually returns to us, at least subtly! ❤️

Now, let's move on to the projects we want to support this month!

🌞 5.8.-11.8.  *Heart's Desires*  Krem Hurtado - Music Album ~ Colombia ❤️

### Heartfelt Wishes: Krem Hurtado - Music Album ~ Colombia ❤️

The Colombian indigenous freedom artist and psychologist Krem Hurtado wants to fulfill her heart's desire and complete her first music album. She hails from Tumaco, Nariño, a place that has experienced much armed conflict and violence. Many young people there suffer from the effects of this violence.

It takes a lot of inspiration, courage, strength, and also money to step into the public eye as an artist. Krem has a lot to share, advocates for human rights, is involved in environmental conservation, and has always remained true to herself, which hasn't necessarily made her life easier but has made it deeper and more authentic.

Currently, Krem Hurtado lives in Taganga near Santa Marta in the state of Magdalena and is working on raising awareness for nature conservation through her singing, and singing for nature and its healing. There, she also met Sonja, who has been supporting Earth Prayers for several months and is helping to spread the word about Earth Prayers in South America.

We are very excited to support Krem in her heartfelt wish to record her first music album! May she continue to stay true to her heart and walk her unique path on Earth! By believing in Krem's ability to follow her path and supporting her both warmly and materially, we are also paving our own way to fulfilling our own heartfelt wishes!

🌞 12.8.-18.8. * Free Seeds *  Sondra & Márgaro - Reforestation ~ Venezuela ❤️

Sondra and Márgaro are a couple living in the Venezuelan Andes. Among their tasks, they have committed to reforesting a part of their property. When they bought it, the land was used for cattle farming. They have transformed it and started converting part of it back into a natural forest.

Sondra and Márgaro produce essential oils and require the diversity of nature for their production. Their distillation plant is powered by wood collected from the surrounding forests. By reforesting, they aim to support nature and eventually gather the wood needed for their plant from their own forest floor.

The reforestation process is already in full swing. However, Sondra and Márgaro still need support to build a tree nursery, purchase tools, and pay for assisting labor.

Since 2011, they have been producing essential and plant oils and have been involved in the research, development, and promotion of medicinal herbs and aromatherapy for therapeutic purposes. We are happy to support this vision and, in doing so, also support reforestation in Venezuela!

🌞 19.8.-25.8. * Sustainable Agriculture *  Vuka Daraja - Lochuch Ngoo ~ Kenya ❤️

We continuously support the project "Vuka Daraja na Jirani" in northern Samburu, Kenya. Lochuch and his wife Ari have wonderful hearts and always do their best to help the children and the elderly around them. They provide porridge to children and older people. Lochuch assists parents in growing more crops, such as sweet potatoes.

For Lochuch and Ari, every child who finds their way to school is a gift. In addition to a large garden project, they have also created their own garden and have started keeping goats and chickens at home. When we support Ari and Lochuch, part of the funds go to their community and surroundings, part goes to their home projects, and part covers the school fees for their own children. We are deeply grateful to Lochuch and Ari for their touching work!

🌞 26.8.-1.9. * Nature & Culture * Lunarte - María Gabriela ~ Venezuela ❤️

María Gabriela from Venezuela, part of the Regenera Talks project, teaches English and aims to empower women living in the Andes of Venezuela who are engaged in ecotourism, culture, and ecology. Many of these women have beautiful heartfelt projects and wish to make their initiatives internationally visible through social media and to welcome international guests. Improving their English skills is crucial for this.

María Gabriela wants to support these areas and open new horizons and opportunities for these creative and warm-hearted women. In September, with our support, she plans to travel to La Azulita to conduct English workshops. We find her idea wonderful and support her efforts with all our hearts! María Gabriela is already very active, and it's only a matter of time before her project flourishes on its own, benefiting herself and many others.

Maga Sosa (María Gabriela) has sent us a video message, which we have translated into German subtitles for you, as always. ttps:// Here are some pictures of Maga Sosa in action with women in agriculture, as well as two flyers of her online activities!

These are the figures from the last month! Weeks 2 to 5 of the July projects each received 200 euros from the 2,000-euro donation from the May festival organized by Wotan Oberaschinger. Heartfelt thanks once again for that!!!

We wish you a wonderful month of August and look forward to hearing from you again in September! Thank you for your time and for our joint efforts!

Philipp Sudi from the Earth Prayers Team.

P.S. A few days ago, an interview with me regarding Earth Prayers was published. Feel free to listen in. Heartfelt thanks to Markus Ras for that!


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