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Newsletter ~ April 2022

Dear Earth Prayers Family. "Rain at last!" ... How often these two words have been heard in the last few days. Many of us have already felt how much the earth is calling for water and how the rain, which is usually taken for granted in our latitudes, this time was felt as a real blessing. We live in a country where we are very blessed with water. Not only that it usually rains sufficiently ~ we live in a country where we can enjoy many streams, rivers and clear lakes with drinking water quality. On March,22 we made ourselves especially aware of how important water is for all our lives. A small, fine group of people from Graz joined us to celebrate the "Canto al agua" ceremony at a beautiful place on the river Mur. At this time of the day, in about 250 (!) places around the world, people have gathered to honor water, to thank it and to sing to it together. And as Philipp said, "Anyone who knows Masaru Emoto, knows what happens when music from the hearts of people meets water: it is purified and develops the most beautiful crystals." ❤️ In deep gratitude to this life-giving force ❤️💧❤️

Thank you for your flow, for your primal power, for your aliveness, for your music. We are part of the water, the water is part of us. Within us the flow, the primordial power, the aliveness, the music. Thank you, dear water, for cleansing and for nourishment, thank you for your deep stillness, your wildness and your clarity. A~hey ❤️ "Canto al agua" is one of the projects we had the pleasure of successfully supporting with Earth Prayers last year ~ feel free to browse the following link for more info:


For this Friday we have a lovely invitation for you ~ there is a fundraising event for Earth Prayers at the enchanting Schloss-Schule in St. Georgen an der Stiefing! Proceeds will be split between the monthly projects!

"Dance and sing your prayers ~ let's dance together, sing together, find the peace within us and carry it into the world!"

~ with Anja, Su & Lenka ~ April 8 ~ 18:30-21:30 ~ compensation at your own discretion, in favour of Earth Prayers ~ registration via SMS to: 0650/2247279


The projects of the month of April ❤️

☀️ 4-10/4 * The Empowered Woman * Building a house for María Teresa's family ~ Chacantá, Venezuela ❤️

"Every day when I make fire to cook, I ask the Universe and Mother Earth for the power to build a beautiful house. A house that I can transform with all my love into a mother's womb and in which, step by step, I will become Grandmother María, so that later I can welcome my grandchildren in a place of well-being."

These lines come from a letter written by María Teresa, in which she shares with us her vision of life.

Back in March we supported her, her husband David and their 4 children in the creation of their home. We wanted to know more about the woman who gave up her job as a journalist and the comforts of city life to be with her children and live a life close to nature.

"Since childhood I have been in love with nature. Nature has called me and I have received the call to open my eyes. To see the mountains, listen to the birds and let the sun nourish me.

Although everything was good in the city, something was missing. Five years ago I accepted the task of living in the countryside with few resources ~ it was a challenge and very concrete experience. My heart led me to this place because I think we need to go back to the roots, learn to depend less on money and transform our resources into currencies of love that weave us into our relationships in a familiar way. Children are the best source of this knowledge, because children are the places where we plant the seeds of love!"

María Teresa has been a mother for 14 years and the most important thing for her is to let her children grow up with love, joy, security and her company. To provide for prosperity, she makes remedies, soap and natural cosmetics with the herbs from her own garden. The family also grows its own vegetables and learns to process food and become more and more self-sufficient. It is a joint project that the whole family lives together.

"As a mother, companion, woodcutter, weaver, blacksmith, soap maker and healer, I have learned what potential there is in us women!

Choosing to give birth to my last two children here on the ground in this new home has given me the confidence to empower my femininity by integrating everything and using my heart. I want to teach my children that love expands."

We are delighted by María Teresa's openness to share insights into her life and her courage to ask for support.

We want to make it possible for the family to raise the money necessary to finish building their house. For this, it needs a total of about 2,800 dollars ❤️ Let's help together!


☀️ 11-17.4 * Unfolding for children * Campus Vivante, free school ~ Morocco ❤️

It is very important that children are free to unfold in their being, in their potential, in their love. In order to lead a happy life, to confidently let themselves be gifted by the world and in turn to consciously gift the world itself with its own treasures.

"With roots and wings" ~ Campus Vivante is a true showcase project in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco. It offers around 80 children and young people a place where they can experience a holistic, future-oriented education. They are supported in going their own way in a self-determined manner.

The pedagogy of Campus Vivante is based on the conscious experience of holistic knowledge. The extensive campus grounds are cultivated according to the principles of permaculture and the school garden serves as a diverse learning space where theoretical knowledge is linked with practical activity. In this way, the school children recognize interrelationships and are made aware of their responsibility towards their immediate living space. In a region where self-sufficiency is an essential part of livelihood, active help for self-help is thus provided.

Since 2015, hearing-impaired children have also been integrated into everyday school life. The activities at the campus are integrated into the life of the valley population and, with over 20 local employees, it is the largest private employer in the region. With its infrastructure, the campus offers a platform for activities with and from the population as well as continuing education for all ~ education is seen as a lifelong process.

The vision is to pave the way for people to work, learn and grow in joy throughout their lives. It encourages people to actively shape the world, to have a peaceful and constructive impact on the challenges of the day, and to bring good things back to their own homes ❤️.

We became aware of this wonderful project through "Weltweitwandern Wirkt" and are very happy to be part of the support! ❤️


☀️ 18-24.4 * Holistic Health * Embodiment Training for War Refugees ~ Ukraine ❤️

At the 5 Rhythms Dance at Lendloft in Graz, a very touching, powerful project came accross our way. On the very day we selected the projects for April....

"Instead of despairing, I decided to act."

Power man Mark Walsh, who with his Ukrainian wife Daria has feared for the lives of loved ones in recent weeks, has decided to offer his personal skills as effective local help. Mark is a psychologist, trauma educator and embodiment trainer. He was already able to realize his first goal ~ to travel to Ukraine in early March and train 20 people (local therapists and psychologists) in embodiment and resilience training. He himself has 15 years of experience in this field and has worked for NGOs in many crisis areas with traumatized people.

Embodiment literally means "embodiment". Basically, it is about the influence of our physical condition, our body posture on our psyche. Through this tool, one can accompany a person in trauma resolution. It also offers trauma emergency help as well as methods for psychological resilience and trauma education ~ that means learning skills to maintain mental health, creative thinking and clear decision making even under extreme conditions. It is also being used successfully in our latitudes.

Mark Walsh's team is also supported by international Ukrainian volunteers, local counselors and interpreters.

"It's a mix of the best people already working there and people we know well and trust deeply."

With the further donations Mark Walsh would like to pay the work for the 20 trainers for a whole year, so that in the long run thousands of people can be reached and supported with this valuable work. Likewise, he would like to continue to bring relief supplies to Ukraine.

We are heartily pleased to support this project! ❤️ For us it is a support of the people who are suffering from the war and are in dire need of any form of help and humanity right now.

We do NOT see it as supporting the country of Ukraine in its political activities - we do not side with West or East!

More from Mark Walsh:


☀️ 4/25-5/1 * Heart's Desires * House construction for Grimberg José ~ Chacantá, Venezuela ❤️

News of our help is spreading rapidly among the people of Chacantá 🙂 .

"I am from Caracas, Venezuela, and seven years ago I decided to move to the countryside in search of a more natural life, to return to the roots of humanity and live in symbiosis with the earth and nature. With this, it is enough to mistreat Mother Earth, who gives us life with love."

Grimberg José has worked on various organic farms after leaving the city, with people who share the same idea as him ~ "to stop polluting the earth with all the poisons of agribusiness and to change this predatory model that characterizes agriculture worldwide." A year ago he was able to buy an acre of land to realize his dream of living a sustainable life in self-empowerment and harmony with nature.

Due to the economic difficulties in Venezuela, Grimberg has been living in a tent for the past year, which is already quite decrepit. He longs to build his own home using bio-construction techniques he has learned and is primarily asking Earth Prayers for help in financing his roof. The request is for $500 to purchase tiles and boards and cover transportation costs. Other goals, though less of a priority for him at the moment, are to buy PVC pipe for sewage, cement for water tanks, and wire and staples for fencing because his neighbor's cows come onto his property.

"I ask you in love and humility for any help you can give me to move forward in realizing my agroecological dream of living in harmony with the earth. Thank you for reading me, a loving embrace from Chacantá."


The overview of the projects we supported in March:


Last but not least, I would like to draw your attention to another important topic: our ASSOCIATION ~ the basis of our work! ❤️

Earth Prayers runs under the association "Seeds of Solidarity". All contributions collected go 100 per cent to the projects.

But of course it is important for us to be able to finance the basic costs (such as print advertising, website, account management, etc.). Therefore, we would be happy if one or the other of you feels the call to join our association as a member for a membership fee of 25 - 50 Euros per year.

This is a great support for our work and the more people from the heart are involved in the core, the more strength we all get ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Here you can find more information and the registration form ☀️


I send you warm spring greetings and look forward to our journey together!

All the love,

Sandra Shalamun & Katrin Andrä🌿

for the Earth Prayers Team


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