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Earth Prayers ~ July 2022

Dear ones! ☀️

It's nice to have arrived in the blossoming, lush, warm summertime ❤️

We thank you for our joint work, which is bearing such beautiful fruit!

Two messages have reached us from Venezuela. María Teresa and her family as well as young José Grimberg were able to make valuable investments for the completion of their houses thanks to our support.

Among other things, shingles for the roofs, a used chain saw and petrol were bought. The joy on both sides is great and work is being done eagerly 🙂

A message from María Teresa to us:

"Thank you for all these droplets of love that have filled a lake that now brings us together as what we are: A family 🤗 Thanks to Earth Prayers, step by step the dream is becoming a reality."

And José writes:

"THANK YOU to the whole Earth Prayers team for supporting me on the way to making my mountain lodge a reality, bringing me ever closer to my dream of independence and self-sufficiency in the countryside."

We are heartily happy about this success! Seeing the joy and relief of the materials makes us look humbly at the abundance we are privileged to live in here with us ❤️

David, one of his children and José Grimberg


☀️ 4-10.7 * Nature & Culture * Sumak Kawsay, Forest Garden & Beekeeping ~ Peru ❤️

"Sumak Kawsay" is the Quechua term for "the good life" or "being in harmony with nature". With this enterprise, Ysabel Calderón works to restore ecosystems in her home country of Peru. Her concern is to bring back native tree species through reforestation and to create a natural environment for bees and other pollinators. Money is currently being collected to finance a tree nursery and a forest garden in the mountains, as well as for the construction of more bee houses. There is still a lot missing for this courageous project and we want to continue to support Ysa!

You can read more about it here:


☀️ 11-17 July * The Empowered Woman * Ruruchay, House of Births ~ Peru ❤️

In the "Sacred Valley of the Incas", in the Andes of Peru, a deeply inspiring woman is realising her moving vision: Ruro is building a small village with 7 birth houses where indigenous women can give birth in a natural, loving atmosphere and experience their birth as sacred, safe and anestral. A place where traditional midwives and dhoulas are there with all their wisdom and pass it on to women from all over the world!

We have been supporting the courageous Ruro on her path for a long time.

Especially for indigenous women it was difficult to adapt to the conditions of giving birth in hospitals. Many would prefer to give birth in a natural environment, but in many places there is a lack of opportunities to do so. On top of that, it is not allowed to give birth outside of hospitals in Peru!

Ruro, herself a traditional doula and also a midwife trained in western medicine, is not intimidated by this ~step by step she is realising her dream!

Construction started at the end of April and we would like to update you with a little video we recently received.

You can also find more about Ruro's project here on the website under "Projects":


☀️ 18-24.7 * Unfolding for Children * Orchestra &Choir ~ Peru ❤️

This is another project that we have been supporting for some time.

The healing power of singing and making music is to be made accessible to as many children as possible in Urubamba, in the Andes of Peru. The initiators of the Children's and Youth Symphony Orchestra work tirelessly to enable the children to learn instruments and to be part of a choir and orchestra.

Our support helps to finance the lessons for the children! ❤️

Let's continue to help together for this deeply touching ministry!


☀️ 25-31.7 * Holistic Health *Healing Roots Festival ~ Austria ❤️

In the last week of July, we will be travelling to Austria. The Healing Roots Congress is to take place here for the second time this year as part of the Seedcamp Festival in the Waldviertel.

"It is a conference, a celebration, a communal ritual. It is a visioning and a coming together to go into healing with each other. We dance our dreams and create our future." ~So Daniela Fuchs of the Light Anchor Association.

Daniela approached us with the following narrative:

"I travelled Colombia for 3.5 months this year. I had the honour of meeting several spiritual authorities from indigenous ethnic groups. I learned that the World Federation of Indigenous People is currently being formed and a code is being prepared to present itself at the UN or NWO in 2030 in order to take its proper place there.

During my visit I always asked 2 questions:

What can we do for Europe to become lighter?

And: Can we also become indigenous again to also take a place at the World Federation of Indiginous People?~I heard the following:

Do ancestral healing, cleanse your roots and become aware that you are part of nature. Learn about the spiritual aspects of your homeland."

This has prompted Daniela to make Healing Roots a reality once again. It is designed as a barcamp. This means that there are no guests or tickets, only working participants who are dedicated to healing areas in their lives. Everyone contributes what he/she can. Furthermore, sages from different indigenous cultures from all over the world are invited to share their knowledge.

A sweat lodge will be built, a medicine wheel will be laid, ancestor rituals will be held, family constellations will be made on major, current topics. An important aspect is the exchange and networking.

"Every person in this world is concerned with a few essential areas, such as water, food, a roof over one's head, education, health care and care for the elderly, art/culture, social relations, transport, electricity. With 10 to 15 areas of life, we have covered the essential aspects. For the congress, those associations and initiatives are invited that are active in the various areas. We network, get to know each other and exchange ideas."

To set up this valuable time of rooting and networking, it takes about 10,000 euros ~for catering for all participants, travel costs for the indigenous people, tent rental, etc.

Crowdfunding is available and initiatives like ours are being built upon to help make Healing Roots a reality in August.

We are grateful that there are such great movements in Austria and that more and more people are touched by them! It is so important, especially at this time, that we find our way back into real contact, into community cohesion, into simplicity and into a natural being, connected with what surrounds us. For our self-efficacy, for a felt, secure, supported sense of inclusion and togetherness in a great whole made up of nature, spirits, humans and animals 🌿

Here you can find the website of the first Healing Roots, which took place in 2019:


In joy about the variety of projects supported by the energy of the heart, I would like to share with you the overview of our support in June:


We are grateful that all these seeds are being sown, that people are uniting, sharing their treasures, dreaming and manifesting visions of nature connection and community together. Thank you for our cohesion!

So we send you summer heartfelt greetings and look forward to what we may move together with you this month ❤️

All the love,

Sandra & Katrin the Earth Prayers Team😊


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